Here are some common claims that may not be covered or what are claims not eligible in India, or have certain limitations, in health insurance policies in India: Before policy login customers should be aware of the non eligible claims details in their health insurance policy.

  1. Pre-Existing Conditions: Many health insurance policies have a waiting period for pre-existing conditions, typically ranging from 2 to 4 years. Claims related to these conditions may not be covered during this waiting period.
  2. Waiting Period: Some policies have a waiting period for specific treatments, such as surgeries or maternity-related expenses. Claims made during this waiting period may not be approved.
  3. Non-Allopathic Treatments: Alternative or non-allopathic treatments like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, or Unani may not be covered unless specified in the policy.
  4. Cosmetic Procedures: Cosmetic surgeries or procedures that are not medically necessary are usually not covered by standard health insurance policies.
  5. Dental and Vision Care: Dental and vision care expenses may not be covered under a regular health insurance policy. You may need separate dental and vision insurance for these services.
  6. Infertility Treatments: Coverage for infertility treatments like IVF is often limited or excluded from standard policies. Specific infertility insurance may be needed.
  7. Injuries from Hazardous Activities: Injuries resulting from participation in hazardous activities or extreme sports may not be covered unless you opt for additional coverage.
  8. War or Terrorism-Related Injuries: Injuries or illnesses resulting from acts of war, terrorism, or civil unrest may be excluded from coverage in some policies.
  9. Expenses Outside Network: Some policies have a network of hospitals and healthcare providers. Treatment sought outside this network may have limited coverage or none at all.
  10. Age-Related Exclusions: Certain treatments may not be covered after a certain age, or there may be age-related restrictions in the policy.
  11. Claim Submission Timeframe: Failing to submit a claim within the specified timeframe in your policy can lead to claim rejection.
  12. Policy Lapses: If you fail to renew your policy on time, claims may not be accepted during the lapsed period.
  13. Non-Disclosure of Information: If you provide incorrect or incomplete information during the application process, it can lead to claim denials.
  14. Alcohol and Drug-Related Illnesses: Health issues arising from drug or alcohol abuse may not be covered.
  15. Experimental or Unproven Treatments: Treatments that are experimental or not recognized by standard medical practices may not be covered.
  16. Self-Inflicted Injuries: Injuries or illnesses intentionally caused by the insured person may not be covered.

It’s essential for individuals to carefully read their policy documents and understand the terms and conditions to know exactly what is covered and what is not. Additionally, considering riders or add-on covers can help enhance coverage for specific situations that may not be covered by the base policy. Always consult with the insurance provider or a financial advisor to clarify any doubts about your health insurance coverage.


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